Rihanna new tattoos were peaking out of this white lace top last night

Rihanna Gun Tat. Rihanna has added some new ink on her ribcage. Tattoo

tattoos of guns on her ribs. According to reports, she flew Rihanna

night wearing a lace top to cover her controversial new gun tattoo.

Rihanna has a new gun Tattoo on her Leg:See Pics here

Rihanna's gun tattoo's. Damn! She is sexier more than ever!

Rihanna Tattoo Gun

 Like an homage to her own gun tattoo, Rihanna has been photographed
Rihanna has shown that she appreciates the design of a gun by having one

her controversial new gun tattoo, Rihanna causes chaos when she parties.

Rihanna Gun Tattoo. Rihanna has been keeping a low profile in recent times

Rihanna Is Now the Poster Child for IDIOTS

Rihanna Jewelry

Rihanna dropped by the shop around 8 p.m. to chat with her regular tattoo

Welcome to the gun show! Rihanna shows off a massive new pistol tattoo on

Rihanna's no stranger to tattoos. Check out the below photos from New York

instead of partying or showing off her gun tattoos….ohhh she's soo cool!

Rihanna gun tattoo pic

Rihanna Gun Tattoo. Rihanna has been keeping a low profile in recent times

Rihanna's New Gun Tattoos